Rotary Foundation
The Rotary Foundation’s mission is to assist Rotarians in advancing good will, world understanding, and peace by supporting education, alleviating poverty, and improving health.
This is a nonprofit foundation that is totally supported through voluntary contributions from friends and other Rotarians who share in the vision of achieving a better world.
Polio Eradication
This disease is finally on the brink of eradication. It has taken 25 years and lots of hard work by the Rotary Foundation and its partners to bring it this far. However, it requires a strong push now to get rid of it once and for all. This is a historic window of opportunity.
While pushing toward the goal of having a world free of Polio, there are still some ongoing challenges that must be met. One such challenge is the huge million-dollar funding gap. Naturally, the Rotary cannot fill that large of a gap on its own. However, the Foundation can continue to be a strong advocate for government support. Every day that Polio is capable of threatening the life of even one child on this planet, all children everywhere are still at risk. The stakes are drastically high.
This Close from Rotary International on Vimeo.